The Good and The Bad........

I'll be honest.....I have been a little discouraged lately.  I have wondered many times if this blog and my story were worth being told.  Was it better just to keep it safe with just me, my family and closest friends?  I knew that opening my heart and sharing my story would come with changes, I just wasn't expecting some of what I have seen. I promise you that unfortunately, people are not always what they seem.   I really second guessed my decision to open up and share my struggles, and at one point wished I could take it all back.  I was just about to quit blogging and telling my story when within a week  God opened my eyes, not once but twice.

I have a dear friend who is more like family. We have been together through college, weddings and babies.  She is starting a non-profit organization to help women empower and encourage other women.  She is having a kick off event in April, and she asked me to share my story with the women in attendance.  Me!!   I am so honored that she chose me and chose my cause to be shared!  God answered my prayers through Bradley that day more than she will ever know.

Then, sadly, Cameron Burgess, and Auburn graduate, ended his life on the White House lawn this past Friday.  Cameron suffered from depression, but suffered silently and no one knew.  Cameron worked at Lee County DHR for several years out of college.  The current and former employees of DHR who worked with Cameron have decided to honor him and his silent struggle by running in the race I am organizing in May.

Life is full of twists and turns.  Sharing my story has not been easy.  I get a lot of questions, which I am happy to answer, but I also get told a lot of things that aren't true either. If you have a question about my story, I would love nothing more than to sit down with you and share it.  I have set out to change the way people look at mental illness.  I know the friends who are on that journey with me.  My discouragement is nothing but the devil trying to make me quit!  Bradley's event and Cameron's life have shown me I am doing the work that God intended me to do.  Two ways to bring light and awareness to mental illness by honoring others.

I have a lot of people who ask what they can do to help.  Just be kind to each other.  And not just kind when other people are watching.   Encourage each other, lift each other up.  Check in with each other and be a good friend.  Everyone has a story, and everyone is struggling with something.  For almost 10 years, no one knew my struggles, but I remember every person who was kind to me when I was suffering the most.

We live in a world full or stigmas and stereotypes. People with mental illness are called a lot of  hurtful and untrue names.  I am determined to change that.  God gave me this illness for a reason, and my struggles will count for something!  I can sit and feel sorry for myself, or I can do something to make a difference.

My journey hasn't always been easy, but God continues to open doors for my heart and my story to be told.  He has always been faithful, and He writes the best stories!

I am thankful for my steadfast friends and those who choose to walk this journey with me!

Much love and many blessings!


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