When God gives you more than you can handle
Is it me, or whenever something bad happens people are quick to tell you that it is part of God's will and God will never give you more than you can handle. I do not believe that God wills bad things to happen to us. I believe bad things happen and it is God's will for us to rise up and lean on Him and trust him in the hard times. Nowhere in the bible does it say God will never give you more than you can handle. In 2017 my family has been given more than we can handle. We have experienced life, death, happiness, fear, tragedy and triumph. Throw in a new business for Sean and an unusual year for me at work and we have experienced it all! The one thing Sean and I have been is true to ourselves. What you saw with us on any given day is what you got- the good, the bad, the happy the sad. We have never pretended to be something we are not. I've been very transparent the past three months with my life with mental illness. My transparency and openness came with a price. I have fewer friends, I've apologized and haven't been forgiven and I've been treated differently. It bothered me for a long time and then I just shifted my focus on those who understand and want to learn more about me. The past few weeks haven't been the easiest and I was letting myself get down over all we have experienced this year. Today everything changed. My new nephew was born 2 weeks ago and today for about 15 minutes it was just me and Bennett in the house and I realized life is a full circle, and every happy, sad, tragedy and triumph has ended with Bennett's new life. I held his tiny self and felt God's promise of goodness, faithfulness and love. It was only 15 minutes but my nephew showed me God's love and unending grace. God will test us beyond what we can bear but he always gives us a way out and there is good on the other side. My family has been tested way beyond what we can bear but God gave us a way out with constant and supportive friends and family and Bennett was the wonderful goodness waiting on the other side. Through everything this year, God has always met us where we were. He didn't wait for us to have it all together and be happy. He took the hard, the messy and the tears and He used it for His good and we are stronger because of it. I didn't have it all together when I walked in Ashleigh's house today, but God met me where I was and used my 2 week old nephew to show me how every works for good for those who are called according to His purpose. Our family's most favorite time of the year is around the corner-Thanksgiving and Christmas. We are looking forward to spending time with those that mean the most to us, but throughout the holidays we will continue to be ourselves- the happy, the hard, the messy and the joyful. And that will be ok because God will meet us where we are and take care of the rest!
I'm thankful to those who still follow my journey, for those who ask me questions and for those who support us! I'm not perfect, far from it, but each day I try to be a better wife, mama, friend and woman than the day before.
Much love,
I'm thankful to those who still follow my journey, for those who ask me questions and for those who support us! I'm not perfect, far from it, but each day I try to be a better wife, mama, friend and woman than the day before.
Much love,
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