God's good grace

2017 has been the hardest year for me. Lots of stress, tragedy, change and uncertainty. All things that people with mental illness struggle with and it makes life extra hard for us.  I decided to share my story over a month ago to be transparent and help others but I had no idea how much you would help me!  So many people reach out to me to say they are praying for me. I have the best small group who covers me in prayer. My prayer has always been for there to be a purpose to my suffering because I thought I would always suffer. God told me differently today. I found a therapist who is certified in a specialized therapy so I went to see her today. She believes that she can re program the parts of my brain that cause suffering because of stress, change and sadness and make them work so I can cope healthy with these things and no longer suffer! I asked her to repeat the last part and she said the no longer suffering part and I said yes!!!  I know what it feels like to receive God's grace because He showered me with it today! It is only through his goodness, faithfulness and love that I have this opportunity! And I have a very close friend who works in mental health. She has answered every question, given the best advice and guided me through this entire year! God writes the best stories because when I told Sarah about my new therapist she already knew her because they used to work together. And I know Sarah because Sean and her husband grew up together. God was laying this path and these people long before this year.  I've cried many nights to God asking why me. I finally said why not me?  I'm an almost 39 year old wife, mom of two, full time working woman who suffers from mental illness and I've suffered hard. Mental illness can effect anyone and anybody. It does not discriminate. I'm so thankful for my journey because I got to truly feel God's grace today. After 9 1/2 years, I am on a path to no suffering anymore! I am so happy and so thankful- thankful for this opportunity and thankful for sharing my story because I know the prayers of so many has lead me this far. I am honored and humbled by the friends who follow my journey. Every step of it has been more than worth it!

With much love,


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